Sunday, January 8, 2012

Columnists Ahoy! Week 4


Clearance Page believes that Ron Paul's rise as a potential presidential candidate is well deserved. Although the reason is partly out of desperation, he agrees with Paul's "out-of-the-box" thinking with the way he addresses his opinions on popular issues. As for the upcoming election in general, Page believes that these should be the major issues it addresses: What should be the role of government in the new century? How big should it be? And how can we modernize a social and financial system designed for an earlier industrial age to suit the new global economy?


Clearance Page addresses President Obama's problem of falling behind on the polls due to a range of factors, such as his high disapproval rate thus far. However, he does bring up the positives during Obama's term such as the death of Osama bin Laden which allowed his approval ratings to approve. Overall, although he does believe that Obama still has a chance for this upcoming election, he mentions that the president's going to have to take pretty drastic actions to gain support of voters today.


Clearance Page brings up the question of if a third party nomination is a good idea for this coming up election, stating that he's skeptical that such a process would do more harm than good. Considering the third party itself, it's the American's Elect party that is currently between nomination Ron Paul and Hillary Rodham Clinton. He goes on to reason that the reasoning to do so would be to satisfy more voters who are upset with the current leaders in Washington, but ends by begging the question if adding a few more candidates would really solve anything other than having a new name to blame.

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