Sunday, January 8, 2012

Columnists Ahoy! Synthesis

Overall, Clearance Page seems to hold a pretty vocal opinion about out government's current political leaders ranging from Herman Cain (Week 2) to President Obama (Week 4B). He states some concerns he has about the previously potential candidate of Herman Cain, as well as others as he questions their credibility as our nation's leader due to way they portray their knowledge and opinions on certain issues (Week 3). However, he seems to have pretty positive opinions regarding Ron Paul's views (Week 4A), as well as seeing some possibility of President Obama's chance of reelection (Week 4B). Yet, he still has his skeptical thoughts regarding the validity of our nation's voters as he criticizes many's judgement regarding their views and how they look for the wrong things in potential candidates (Week 3),as well as putting the blame on the wrong people, not fully understanding their own current events (Week 4C).

1 comment:

  1. Lois--
    Solid job on noting Page's subjects (his first name is Clarence, as opposed to Clearance!). Next step--fuller analysis of the text, with citation--to see ways in which his stance is communicated.


    Mr. Heller
