Thursday, February 23, 2012

health care bill

more recent bill

The Obama Health Care Act, also known as the American Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009's main purpose is to provide more affordable, quality health care while also reducing the cost in health care spending. In order to do so, more responsibility will be equally shared between workers, employers, and the government along with private and public health insurance options being available. Although overall prices will go down to be more accessible for greater amounts of Americans, the quality of care will still go up. The bill then goes on to provide different definitions to key terms and topics discussed, as well as provide different plans and acts that associate with this one. In order to make this possible, different standards will have to be issued to ensure that health insurance continues to be affordable and maintain consumer protection throughout different establishments. Different premium rates will only vary with factors of age, area, and family enrollment (*edit from the newer one* age and geographic variation). Other than that, everyone else is to have the same premium regardless of class, race, gender, etc.

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