Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday #2

The economy in the U.S. is getting progressively worse, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better in 2011. As the gap between the rich and poor get bigger, one out of six Americans are suffering through poverty everyday, managing to get by with food stamps and security checks.

Many more, especially minority ethnic groups and single mothers, have it much worse, contrary to the "American Dream" and how every citizen is entitled to equal opportunities. In reality, these minority groups are suffering unemployment and a staggering income, just managing to get by for themselves, which means those with families have an even harder time. Many young adults would also account for this group if it weren't for the support of their parents, as job opportunities for them are hard to come by at a time like this.

Americans shouldn't expect poverty to all of a sudden turn around and take care of itself, and we shouldn't push the government to be the only one to fix it either. It's the effort of other Americans to support the their fellow citizens and help them get on their feet, as well as private businesses and nonprofit groups, to ease the situation of poverty and get the economy running and prospering again.

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